Friday, December 10, 2010

Long Time No See.

Now, I know it's been months since I last took some time out to write this sad excuse of a blog. but I felt like writing something today, so lay off, huh. D'you know that sad day when we realize that our parents aren't perfect and that they don't expect us to be? Know what makes that worse? When they treat your siblings like they are perfect. Plain and simple favouritism. It's bullshit. I don't think my demands or requests are unreasonable; A bottle of Coke there, a bag of chips here. Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm a fat guy. Moving past that, why should I be made to feel like shit for asking my parents to get me things when most of the time I have the money for said things. That's not to say that I get treated like the Step-Child or anything, they love me, I know that. But why does it always, ALWAYS feel like they love my sister more? I have a job, I have hobbies, I have a girl and yet I'm not as good as my sister? This is why parents of only children are lucky, they don't have a favourite and lie about it to the others, they just envy their friends for their smarter, better behaved kids. I know I'm rambling but this seriously pisses me off and I'd guess that I'm not alone, So Em, Tim, you're the only ones who read this tripe, what do you think?

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